skyler vs zac [H✩T]

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POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 19:20:07 GMT
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Skyler has long shed her t-shirt and shorts,  much preferring the freedom of the sporty bikini underneath. Unfortunately, she'd lost the aforementioned articles of clothing somewhere - along with one of her sandals. The other one she stubbornly kept strapped to her foot for no reason other than sheer stubbornness.

And a healthy dose of a drink that, unlike Charja Cola™, didn't have much of a label and which she kept faithfully strapped to her thigh with a leather strip. 

And that's more or less how she stumbles into the middle of a volleyball (battle?) match without quite knowing how. 

"Ah! And here we have a volunteer! Our next challenger! Uh- what's your name, dear?"

Captain Dross blinks at the announcer, a hilariously affronted expression spreading over her face at being called dear. "Captain Dross," she replies with a growl that fails to materialize into a threat as she's all but pushed towards the volleyball field without further ado.

On the other side, a familiar face greets her.

rotation battle // volleyball match

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2021 16:06:10 GMT
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"Howzit goin Sky?" Zac called from the other side of the net. The redhead waved excitedly at his treasure-hunting rival with his free hand.  Ever since their exploration of the treacherous temple, Zac had been itching for a rematch. And now it was happening. Well, not a rematch exactly. Another match.

Volleyball. The sport of kings and commoners. Some say that it was passed down to humanity from the gods themselves, and that the battle over the ball represents good and evil fighting over the souls of the departed. Others say it was invented by people who wanted an excuse to include more jumping into a sport of hard bodies and minimal clothing. Whatever the reason, Zac was dressed for battle. He had bare feet and a thin, Alolan t-shirt with a Pyukumuku print.  

"You ready to lose?" Zac asked, testing the waters with some good natured trash talk. 

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2021 16:14:29 GMT
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"Zac?!" A lopsided grin stretches her lips as recognition hits her, silver eyes regarding the red-haired man with the same kind of enthusiasm one would an old friend. Rivals they may be, but Skyler couldn't help enjoying the man's cheerful company. There was a specific kind of satisfaction to be had in butting heads with someone bigger than you. Literally and figuratively.

Unfortunately she hadn't brought Shoalgun along, but she couldn't see Odium - the Dewott's eternal rival - on the other side of the net either. Skyler figured Shoalgun could forgive her this one time.

"You tell me, muscle man!" Still utterly oblivious to what she'd signed up for, Captain Dross figures she might as well play the part. Noticing the three pokemon on Zac's side of the field, she releases three of her own.

"Get ready to eat sand." Lofty words from someone who has absolutely no idea what they're doing. The competitiveness that flares in her eyes, however, betrays her excitement - and it only compounds upon itself when she catches sight of the volleyball ball. 

The pokemon around her take position. "Flip a coin, Zac?"

rotation battle // volleyball match

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 1:09:03 GMT
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"Eat sand?!" He laughed, damn Skyler was funny, "the only thing I'll be eating is that victory trophy!" Zac looked over at the announcer for confirmation. The man shook his head. Apparently there was no trophy, only a large watermelon and a signed volleyball. Even better.

Zac took his position on the field with his starting pair: Tempi and Wanda. Kobe looked on from the sidelines, his eyes full of determination, scales, and reflected sunlight. 

"Flip a coin? Yeah no problem!" Zac said, pulling out a sea dollar that he had found on the beach earlier. "Heads!" He called, flicking the coin into the air.

(Even = Heads, Odd = Tails)

The announcer stood by, holding the painted Togedemaru in both hands. As soon as they gave the word he would toss the ball high and the match would begin.

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2021 19:35:59 GMT
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Watermelon? Yummy.

Captain Dross gives it a cursory look, somehow managing to look both uninterested and greedy at the same time. The headband she'd been wearing in the previous mini game makes a reappearance, pulled tight around her forehead - the words 'TEAM RED SUCKZ' now faded into something unrecognizable but equally threatening - in Skyler's mind at least.

She steps forward along with Pads and Boe, Clarabelle staying in the back and hopping from one foot to another in restless anticipation. "I go first, ey?" Sharp eyes cut to the watermelon again, cogs whirring behind their silvery depths as a smirk blooms onto troublesome lips. "Let's make things interesting." Her team is the one to start, so Skyler eagerly accepts the Togedemaru that is unceremoniously shoved into her hands. "I win, you owe me a favor. You win..." She let's her words trail off, positioning herself in the field. "I owe you one favor." The deal is kept intentionally vague, dangling temptingly in front of Zac. "Nothing outrageous, of course." Her mischievous smirk, although benign, is utterly at odds with her words.

Regardless of Zac's response, Skyler barely waits for the starting whistle before the Togedemaru is sent sailing into the air and over the net. Her own pokemon are still, watching.

Testing the waters.

skyler's turn

rotation battle // volleyball match

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 14:38:00 GMT
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"I love a good bet, but let's kick things up a notch," Zac counters. He watches the ball bounce high over the net and then fall to earth like a lead balloon. He lunges for the ball, barely managing to get his hands under the spiky sphere before it hits the sand. 

Zac gets a beard full of sand, as well as a second chance, as Wanda the Blaziken's sizzling drumsticks send the ball sky high with a series of climbing Blaze Kicks. At its zenith, she delivers a final kick, and the sizzling ball form of the red-hot Togedemaru descends on Skyler's side of the field like an metal meteor. 

"How about an outrageous favor instead?" he said, his grin as bright as the summer sun.

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 20:02:22 GMT
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Skyler looks and there's a Togedemaru ball on the field, flying over the net to be caught on the other side. She blinks, and that ball has caught aflame and is descending onto their half of the field like a freakin' meteor.

For a stunned half a second her finger lingers on the side of her metal flask and she wonders if she's had too much to drink. But that notion is quickly shoved aside to focus instead on the ball of death and destruction that will make them lose a point.

Fuck no.

In response to the Blaziken's kick, Pads the Floatzel steps forward and uses her normal buoyancy to meet the ball halfway. Kicking off of the ground, the otter pokemon spins on herself to slam her two tails against the flaming sphere, the AQUA TAIL putting out the fire and crashing into it hard enough to throw the unfortunate pokemon over to Zac's side of the field. With the added benefit of making it more slippery due to the water coating its surface.

Captain Dross lets out an uncontained bark of laughter at Zac's proposal, accepting the challenge with a wide grin. "An outrageous favor it is!" A couple of ideas are already floating around in her head. "Guess I'll need to win this. No hard feelings, Zac!"

floatzel's turn

rotation battle // volleyball match
note: you don't want to know what i got when i mistakenly googled wet balls gif jfbzgjblgjbçdgbçhbhm

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 10:38:36 GMT
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Skyler's slippery shot was one hell of a return. The sopping wet Togedemaru soared towards the sands. "Tempi! Get in there!" Zac called, pointing out the incoming ball to the moistest member of his squad. The athletic amphibian sprinted forwards and dove under the incoming ball, taking the full brunt of the attack right to his face/belly. The hit slammed him into the sound, cratering the court!

"Nice try Sky, but Tempi is a master of taking heavy hits from wet balls!" Zac said, truthfully. Poliwrath's WATER ABSORB kicked in, drying out the Togedemaru to a usable moisture level. At the same time, Poliwrath's belly stiffened, bouncing the stored energy from the hit back into the ball. 

Zac whistled as the prone BODY SLAM sent the ball soaring high into the sky and back over the net. 

Next to the announcer, a little timer ticked down. In 30 seconds, the hazards would begin. 

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2021 17:44:17 GMT
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It seems to Skyler, if only for a moment, that things happen in slow motion. Her silvery gaze follows the path of the ball as its wetness is all by slurped into the Poliwrath's amphibian body. She can't help but whistle in appreciation, competitiveness momentarily put aside. "You handled that wet ball like a champ!" Whether she was saying this to the Poliwrath or to Zac is entirely open to interpretation.

As soon as the ball is back in their side of the field, Skyler jumps into action. "Boe, get it. Use those fists!" Looking not unlike his cartoonish version, Kung Fu Pangoro, Boe jumps to intersect the ball, catching the edge of it with his crashing fist. The result isn't nearly as spectacular as it could've been, but the poorly aimed ARM THRUST sends the volleyball sailing just over the net, loosing the momentum immediately after and starting its descend down.

Utterly distracted by the match, Skyler doesn't see the timer counting down the seconds to inevitable doom. Not until a shrill screech hits her ears, accompanied by an increasingly strong bitter scent. Between one blink of her eyes and the next, the volleyball field has been filled by this strange, glittering steam... And suddenly the captain's thoughts start rolling around in her head in CONFUSION...

pangoro's turn

rotation battle // volleyball match
note: off-camera g!weezing used strange steam!
i hope you don't mind me hijacking the hazards; i can edit it!

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2021 9:54:43 GMT
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The fog billowed through the field, picked up by the sea breeze and inhaled by Zac's team before they had a chance to think. Poliwrath's eyes turned to confused spirals, as if they were little mirrors of his stomach. On the sidelines, Kommo-o shuffled and staggered, plates clanging as he grabbed a nearby spectator for support. Even Zac felt like he was drifting on an ocean with uncertain gravity. The whole arena felt like an MC Escher painting. For a moment he wondered if he could walk up the net and into the sky. 

Blaziken though, had her eyes on the prize. She kicked off, leaving Zac coughing in a cloud of embers as Wanda leapt high into the sky to deliver a brutal, flaming, 180 Blaze Kick right to the ball, sending it rocketing right into Zac's face. 

He dropped like a sack of Pokebeans, and Togedemaru unrolled from its ball. Nearby, Wanda landed and let out a crow of victory, not realizing that she had attacked the wrong team. Clearly the smoke had gotten to her too.

"Captain Dross! One Point!" Called the announcer. "Serve when ready!" Togedemaru trotted over to Skyler's side, waiting for her to serve. 

Kommo-o went to take Zac's place, but the redhead only needed a hand to get back up. Zac wiped away the blood and sand, steadying himself in a wide stance. Half his face was deep red, already starting to purple. "You heard the man," Zac said, his voice muffled from his swollen cheek and lips. "serve when ready." 

Everyone got confused
Blaziken scored an own goal in Zac's face
Captain Dross: 1 Point!

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 10:49:29 GMT
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For a brief moment everything is suspended in time, seconds stretching out to endless lengths that curl upon themselves and dance daintily over Skyler's single, precious braincell. A blink of her eyes takes a lifetime and for a second (an hour? a year?) she swears she can taste sunlight on her tongue, hot and burning. Also, kind of sour. Huh, who knew?

Her pokemon aren't faring any better, having inhaled the fog already being drawn out of the battlefield by an oceanic breeze. Much to her later annoyance, the captain misses Zac being hit by his own pokemon (she'd review the video later just to poke some fun at her treasure hunter rival). She only comes to when the tiny Togedemaru trots over to her, looking expectant. For a few moments, confusion settles into silver eyes - then, some semblance of rationality (or, more likely, muscle memory) has the Captain finally picking up the round pokemon, positioning herself to face the net - after some confused adjustments.

Wobbling slightly in place, Skyler is about to serve when something jumps at her, the abrupt collision knocking her balance askew, making it easy to steal the ball from her limp grasp.

Stunned, the captain looks to the side to be greeted with the sight of a cackling Floatzel, making its way to the ocean with its stolen ball/togedemaru as a few of the referees try and chase after it.

"Err. Zac Ramsay! One point!"

Similarly to what'd happened before, a second Togedemaru pads over to Zac, looking very much like it does not want to be here.

floatzel's (?) turn

rotation battle // volleyball match

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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2021 11:49:38 GMT
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"Heyyyy buddy!" Zac said slowly, as he bent down to pick up the new volleyball. He laced his fingers under the Pokemon in an awkward carry. His arms felt like steel pipes, and the steel Pokemon heavier than...two was super heavy. 

"Whoa! What do they feed you? Lead pellets?" Zac asked, chuckling deeply at his hilarious joke. Blaziken laughed too, holding her stomach and bending over in fits of giggles until she faceplanted into the sand. 

"Okay." Zac said, steadying himself on the net and almost pulling it down on top of him. "Who can...who can serve this?" he looked at his team. Kobe gave him a shaky thumbs up. Was it shaky? Or was that just Zac's eyeballs wobbling. Maybe they were always like that. Zac tried to stand very still so that he could check to see if his eyeballs were as wobbly as he thought they were. Kobe waved, breaking Zac out of his intense visual exploration. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, the volleydemaru. Okay. Uh," he crouched down, took aim high in the sky, and then threw the Pokemon upwards as if it were a shotput. 

Togedemaru went straight up, and Zac watched as it got smaller and smaller and smaller...and then stopped getting smaller. Kobe came to the rescue, and a speck in the sky grew with alarming speed. It soared down through the atmosphere as the DRACO METEOR collided with the volleyball, sending it shooting into Skyler's half of the court, along with a meteor worth of space shrapnel. 

Zac picked up Togedemaru
Zac and Kobe successfully served the ball (barely)
Captain Dross: 1 Point!
Zac: 1 Point!

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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2021 18:10:17 GMT
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"Aaaaaahhhh!" Captain Skyler Dross screams in a vocal register that no one would think her capable of (and wholly unlike her normal self) as a single, accusing finger is pointed at the incoming rain of extraterrestrial death and doom. "The sky is falling! Zac, you broke it!"

While erstwhile referees are still chasing after a cackling Floatzel in the shallows, Clarabelle steps forward. The scarred Lopunny seems strangely calm given the amount of insanity going on around her. Only a rhythmic twitch of her single visible eye (the other being, apparently, under a seriously cool-looking eyepatch) betrays something wrong. With her chest puffed out and paws resting over her hips, the Lopunny wouldn't look amiss in the next issue of Captain Lopunny. Except that, of course, she's utterly and completely high on sparkly Weezing smoke.

"Go get 'em, Clarabelle!" Having gotten over her initial panic despite the shrapnel that is nearly upon them, Skyler eggs the bunny on, a fist raised in encouragement. 

The COPYCAT casts a rosy sheen over the Lopunny's brown and cream fur. For a second it seems as if Clarabelle had dyed her fur pink, just before a second DRACO METEOR materializes into existence above them, moving to intercept the first volley of space shrapnel and the unfortunate Togedemaru caught in the crossfire.

Clarabelle turns around to look at Skyler in slow motion, the world erupting into chaos and destruction behind and around her as she raises her arm slowly in a thumbs up (even though she has no opposable thumbs).

Cool Lopunnys don't look at explosions, after all.  

lopunny's turn

rotation battle // volleyball match

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skyler vs zac [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2021 23:33:39 GMT
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Skyler's powerful scream shocked Zac to wakefulness, like a bucket of cold sea water tossed on his eardrums. "Bwah! Ah shit! Sky I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" 

Zac looks up in time to see the second DRACO METEOR collide with the first. The air is full of crunching, searing smoke, which rained down like chunks of ragnarok. 

Zac saw the svelte, eyepatched figure of fluffy Captain Dross turn away from the destruction. She's paralyzed with terror! I've gotta save her! Zac though, and he pointed to Tempi the Poliwrath. "C'mere mate! Use those big HELPING HANDS!" 

Tempi grabbed Zac, wrapping both gloved hands around the heroic gym leader. "All aboard the Skylar Express!" Zac shouted, as Poliwrath hurled him up and over the net!

Zac shot through the cloud of destruction, unknowingly passing the Togedemaru going the other way, and soared down out of the broken sky to tackle 'Fluffy Captain Dross' to the sands like the world's most dedicated bodyguard. 

"Captain Dross! Get down!"

Zac picked up Togedemaru
Zac and Kobe successfully served the ball (barely)
Captain Dross: 1 Point!
Zac: 1 Point!

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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2021 19:00:36 GMT
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Skyler's perception of time stretches strangely, unfolding like overcooked sphagetti within an overflowing bowl. Meteoric debris rain around them, crashing onto the sand to the soundtrack of distant screams and shrill whistles whose meaning have long since abandoned the captain's brain. Should she look, she'd see overturned chairs and a dwindling audience, chased away by certain death and the fact that their perfect sunbathing spot has been ruined.

"Wha-?" Lopunny's still doing her impossible thumbs up when a movement at the periphery of her vision catches Skyler's attention. Silver eyes widen in amazement. "Zac! ZAC!" Her arms wave frantically at the quickly approaching figure, looking as if they might take flight and escape her body at any given moment. "You're flying!"

The first victim is, of course, First Mate Clarabelle. A squeak preludes the Lopunny's disappearance beneath the red-headed man as he attempts to protect "Fluffy Captain Dross".

But Zac's momentum also carries him forward to where Captain Dross actually is, knocking her down like a bowling ball would a hapless, innocent pin. Except that this isn't a pin. Or hapless. And definitely not innocent. 

So before Boe can step in to try and untangle them, Captain Dross has already unsheated her weapon of choice and sunk her teeth into Zac's arm like the savage that she is.

That would be awkward to explain later.

skyler's (?) turn

rotation battle // volleyball match

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